Saturday, November 24, 2007

What Type of Christmas Tree Are You?

Over the years it has fascinated me on the selection and the preferences people have for Christmas trees.......what kind of tree do you like?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

T'was the Night Before Turkey Day.....

....And all through the house, not a creature was stirring and I'm happy as all get out.....:)

I've baked the pies, the turkey is thawed, the fridge is stocked and the house is fairly clean. Everyone who is coming to our home tomorrow knows what to bring and I can sleep in, in the morning if I want to!!

This is my favorite time of a holiday.....the night before. All the work is done and I'm comfortable in my oversized chair with a nice warm, crackling fire. Soft music playing and I'm half asleep, enjoying the mood. There's that contentment of knowing you're ready for the fun to come and looking forward to having family and friends in our home.

Thanksgiving Day will start off by hearing the local family who gets together out on the field by our house to have their annual family and friends football game. It's so much fun to hear their laughter and friendly competition....rain or shine...they are always there! I'll be up early enough to get that big ol' turkey in the oven, 22 pounder...what a fatty!! I then head off to the gym for their annual 'burn the turkey off' power cycle ride......I even talked my daughter in to cycling with me this year. Family will begin to show up around 1pm .....of course football will already be on and somebody will start munching ahead of time. It goes without saying that all will be extremely full within a very short time. But there's always room for more pie....right?

After awhile.....the games will come out. First we'll start with maybe a game of dominoes or scrabble. My sisters family will be bringing their Nintendo Wii .....guess we'll give it a try....sounds like Grandma always likes a good movie so we try to have something she will really enjoy. I love a holiday......don't you? Until everyone arrives tomorrow.....I will enjoy myself by the fireplace.....this is my time.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Giving Thanks.....and pass the pumpkin pie.

It's hard to believe we are so close to Thanksgiving......where has this year gone?

This year has been so full of activities, travel and family. Ups and downs, surprises and sadness. As I think back on all the events.... it occurs to me that I wouldn't trade most of it for anything. My life is truly blessed.

How often do we take the time to reflect on our lives? Reminiscing is a gift many don't learn or take the time to use. How wonderful to sit back and recall the special moments and people in our pasts. It's amazing with time how our memories soften the hard edges, but the good and the fun remains so sharp and clear. Hold those moments near to your hearts...but most of all ....share them with others. I cherish the moments when I can gather with family and friends to enjoy good food, conversation and fun.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Take a moment this Thanksgiving to let someone know how special they really are....share a memory....and make a memory.