Friday, October 5, 2007

School News....

Wow.....It's been awhile, I guess I kind of suck at blogging....:)

Life's been busy. From July through September is my busiest time of year at work. Thankfully the stress level is coming down and I'll be able to ease back into a more normal work routine. But.......

I've had a pretty full load with mostly business classes...with the odd Humanities class thrown in. I just finished up with a class I THOUGHT was an ethics it was a bit of a surprise to find out it was very deep into a bunch of crazy, dead guys...ha.ha. In about a week from now I start a full two-week (80 hours) Contracting course. Luckily, it's here in Portland so I won't have to deal with strange hotel rooms and travel pains. I will still be going to school in the evenings too. Wait.....that's not all...

Starting the end of November I will be doubling up on my classes...and this will continue until April. This will ensure that I am able to graduate the end of May 2008 with my Bachelors in Business Administration. From the schedule I've worked out it seems to be very do-able. The winter months are the slower/less stress time at work. I've got a couple holidays and off-weeks thrown in there to allow me to do catch-up work. I'll be fine, but definitely busy.

How's the rest of the family doing?

Ashley is going to Mt Hood CC....just picking up the last few miscellaneous credits she needs before heading off to PT schooling for the next 3 years. She's taking a couple on-line classes, so her need to drive and spend too much time on campus is substantially less. She's working full time in a PT clinic and really enjoying it...and learning a LOT.

Brandt has graduated....(see graduation picture I posted earlier) but he is still working on the finishing touches of his senior project. Hopefully this will come to an end in the next couple months. I do believe he is anxious to finally move in to his chosen field....yeah. He is also working in the concrete business with Randy until he lands an engineering job.

Erin is going to Ashmead College -- she has about 6 more months and will be a Licensed Massage Therapist. She is really enjoying herself and has definitely found her profession. It's wonderful to see her so excited about the classes and clinics. I've volunteered to come in to the clinic so she can practice on me....ha..ha.. Actually, there are many massage schools that have open clinics that the public can go to for massages....and the price is substantially less. Little Keely spends half of a day in daycare...and seems to really be enjoying it. They've moved her from the infant room into the toddler room....she now gets to play with the big kids, read books, color and is now in the process of potty training! Wish I'd had someone to potty train my kids!! She's a true joy to this family and it's so much fun watching her discover her world.

Randy is as busy as usual with the concrete business. We are now moving into the wet he tends to get a little grumpier. Someday, he will have to move in to some other type of business that is less physical...he's not a spring chicken anymore...;) Hopefully we can take a nice relaxing week in January or February to some place we can dry him out.

Life is good.....